To take part in the project, filmmakers must first reserve a poem or story from a list of available texts. Filmmakers must NOT begin any adaptation until authorised by the coordinator, Ra Page.
Texts are available for viewing, but for copyright reasons, they can only be viewed on invitation. Hence the password asked for when you click on either of the two links below.
To get the password, email Ra Page at the above address and introduce yourself, outlining your filmmaking experience and interests (a CV might be useful). You will then be given the password.
See tips for more information on the type of film or interpretation we’re looking for.
All films need to be finished, edited and delivered by no later than the deadline given above. The can be sent as compressed files via YouSendIt.com to ra.page@commapress.co.uk (for this films have to be less than 1Gb in size). Or they can be posted on disk. If they are posted, please include BOTH a DVD (PAL) and as a data file (either .avi or .mov). The latter must be saved ‘as a data file’ in the burning process even if the disk it is being burnt onto is a DVD disk.
Entry into these challenges is taken as consent for Comma Film to screen, stream or broadcast the finished work through any of the following:
- Comma Press and Comma Film’s website
- The author’s own website
- Literature Northwest website (www.literaturenorthwest.co.uk)
- Public festivals or events organised by, or in association with Comma or Literature Northwest
- Channel M (Manchester local TV Channel)
- The BBC Big Screen, Manchester (outdoor screen)
Entry into these challenges is also taken as consent for Comma Film to submit the finished film as part of a wider showreel of Comma Films to other festivals in the UK and abroad.
Previous festivals that Comma Films have been shown at include:
Birds Eye View, The London Short Film Festival, The East End Film Festival, Britfilm (Berlin), Femme de Film (Paris), St Johns Film Festival (Canada), Moving Stories: Book Shorts (Canada), Zebra (Berlin), Magma (Sicily), and International Women’s Day screenings (across the world).
Filmmakers must refrain from using any footage, text or music that isn’t copyright-free or cleared for use by the copyright owners. If other artists’ work is used (such as music) the artist must be notified of the usage permissions these films are entering into and give their full consent to all such possible uses (see above). Please send these additional artists a link to this page so they are able to give full consent to this use, before starting to work with them.
Further consent forms will also be issued, and must be completed shortly after the submission of the film.
Authors must be credited clearly and prominently in the closing credits of the film. As must the book title the publisher details identifying where the text first appeared in. This text will be provided by the project coordinator. DO NOT finish editing the film without confirming this text with coordinator, and including it in the closing credits. The closing credits must bear a single-card ‘Comma Film’ logo (‘in association with’ text optional) at the end of the film. This too will be provided by the coordinator. Again, do not finish the film without including this.
Omission of any of these credits will be counted as violation of copyright and permission to adapt the original story or poem.
The filmmaker is free to show the film at any venue or submit it to any film festival themselves, individually, so long as the above credits are honoured and kept on the edit of the film screened. If the filmmaker wishes to submit their film to a commercial distributor (either a DVD, online or theatrical distributor) a new permission has to be signed between the director, author and Comma. Likewise if the filmmaker wishes to submit their film for TV broadcast.